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One-Sixteenth Of An Inch, Part Deux

By Rob Lambert

October 9, 2003

Hello again from the wastelands! I have taken my licks from the fans out there and am ready to dish it out!

To paraphrase my favorite radio commentator Neal Boortz, “Don’t believe anything I say or anything you hear on the radio (television), unless you have looked up the subject and studied the issue, this is called homework!” Mr. Boortz nailed that one.

The whole point of my article, 1/16 of an Inch, was the absurdity of NASCAR, hereafter known as NA$CAR, placing a driver way back in the field after measuring the car 1/16 of an inch too low, especially after they had passed it for qualification AND after the car had run and the springs and shocks had settled. I was not after DEI, Jr., Tony Eury Sr., Tony Eury Jr., or any of the rest of the people that I was accused of slandering.

And yes I do know that the wonderful NA$CAR inspectors allow ¼ of an inch leeway in their inspections, and yes I do know that the largest supplier of parts or supplies at a “Plate” race is Bondo. I haven’t been observing NA$CAR racing for 41 years and not know a little bit about inspection and such. I'm what is called "Old School", I believe racing is racing and rule book racing is boring.

The whole point of my article, done in a sarcastic tone, was that NA$CAR now uses it’s rule book and “Supreme Authority” to try to make racing a Politically Correct “Entertainment” not a racing event. Racing has not been a part of NA$CAR since Winston, television, and the other media became the determining factors in its future. And now with Nextel the future of NA$CAR, it can only get worse.

NA$CAR has the only rule book written in pencil or invisible ink. Every other racing organization, including NA$CAR in its lower divisions, has a rule book at the first of the season that is set in stone for the whole year. NA$CAR’s Nextel, nee Winston, rule book is open to VERY wide interpretation depending upon whose ox is being gored.

In “Ye Olden Days” NA$CAR had a rulebook that everyone did the best to overcome. Some were better at it than others.One of the best was Smokey Yunick, if you haven't read his biography, do it as soon as possible, it is a great read. The rule book that Smokey and the others used was a whole lot thinner that the one that is used today.

But the rules weren’t so picky as to be putting people back in the pack for 1/16 of an inch. If you aren’t familiar with it, find a picture of Junior Johnson’s “Yellow Banana” in 1965 and take a look. I know, I know, they only let it race once, but they DID let it race. Today, it would not even be let in the door, but then again anything not "cookie cutter" would be turned out also.

NA$CAR is, was, and forever will be a France family and its minions production, oops, forgot the major TV companies , and the major sponsor of the moment. So if you folks have any beefs about NA$CAR and how it is run, just write or Email any of them. I am sure that they will be oh so happy to oblige you. After all they have accommodated the fans for 55 years, even if their history only officially began next year.

I am running long now, so I will shut up. I know that will make you folks happy. I have many more examples of NA$CAR and its rules and what I think they should be, from a racing fan’s viewpoint, but I will save them for a later date.

“The only good racers are either dead or retired. Let’s have a million of the latter and none of the former”.

You can send feedback to Rob at: Insider Racing News

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