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Las Vegas: What Will This Week Bring?

An Opinion

March 2, 2008

By Kim Roberson

Kim Roberson
I don’t think there are too many people out there who can look at the NASCAR season we have had so far this year and call any part of it boring. Sure, some of it might have been worthy of walking away from the TV for a refreshment, however, I think the first three race weekends of the year have shaped up to be a NASCAR media representatives dream.

First, we had Daytona. Dale Junior comes out of the box and wins his first two races, and then Ryan Newman comes from behind and passes Tony Stewart on the last lap to win the 500.

Oh yeah, don’t forget Robby Gordon’s nose. Here we are, more than three weeks later, and the main topic of conversation on message boards and radio call-in shows is “Should the 100 point penalty be overturned?” We’ll find out the answer to that on Wednesday or Thursday.

Then, there was California. I don’t think I would ever have imagined that the Oscar telecast would start and finish during the time it took the Sprint Cup race to be run. Not only was it over….everyone had time to go out and party, go home, and head to bed before they finally called the race Sunday night. Sunday was one of the biggest disasters in racing that I have seen in a very long time. I know there was a need to try and give the people who bought tickets a race to watch.

That said, last spring I was at Richmond when that race was rained out. Sure, the next day in Richmond was a Sunday, not a Monday, and work didn’t come into play. But realizing you are fighting a losing battle, no matter if you believe “at any time we thought we were going to get it in 20 minutes. When you’re working in that (kind of weather), sometimes it’s in vain.” as Robin Pemberton explained last Sunday after finally pulling the plug, drying a wet track shouldn’t take five hours and last until 2 a.m. eastern. If it took three hours to dry the track during the day, and you know you didn’t’ get it dry that time, why on earth do you think you will get it dry in the same amount of time at night?

Hadn’t the number of cars that hit the wall, and drivers who complained about the weepers, shown that the track should just be given the night off and let everyone head back to a warm bed?

When they finally came back on Monday, the sun was out, the racing went by quickly, and Carl Edwards got to perform his first back flip of the 2008 season.

At least we were shown just how safe the new car was, when Casey Mears ended up on his side after Sam Hornish plowed into the back of the 5 car. Fire erupted, the cars were twisted metal, and yet both drivers escaped unscathed, if not just this side of frustrated.

Move ahead to Vegas. The sun is out, the track is new, everything should be going swimmingly.

Until practice Friday.

Before practice even started, several cars were told to “go fix it” when their car failed first pre-practice inspection. The problem seemed to hit multiple cars across the board, so I sincerely doubt there will be any penalties, but considering all the hubbub over Robby’s nose, and the fact he was involved in the deck-lid issues in this batch this week…I’m sure there were some fans ready to start screaming.

Once the cars hit the track in practice, a whole new issue presented itself: turn 4. In 42 minutes of first practice, 6 cars had hit the wall or spun out…most of them Dodges. Bobby Labonte, Kasey Kahne and Juan Pablo Montoya start today in back-up cars. The 10, 40, and 41 went around, but didn’t hit anything

During qualifying, Johnny Sauter in the Wood Brothers 21 car smacked the wall, taking them out of the race today. Ironically, Jon Wood had taken himself out of the car for the weekend because he was afraid he would crash the car, not having had a lot of experience in the new car.

And that was just the Cup cars. Final Nationwide practice ran into the Cup qualifying time Friday night after David Ragan hit the wall hard…in turn 4…and dropped oil from the wall to pit road.

I have a feeling turn 4 is going to be a very big factor in today’s race.

Of all of the above storylines, one thing has been much quieter than normal: coverage of the driver of the 88 car. It’s not that Junior hasn’t had a good start to the season…with the exception of being caught up in a water-issue crash last weekend, he has done quite well in his new ride; but once we left Daytona, it stopped being all Junior, all the time.

I don’t know who might be happier about that: Junior, or everyone who is not a Junior fan.

Speaking of being happy in Vegas, I registered this week for a trip to Vegas, and a ride along with the Richard Petty Driving Experience at the track we will be racing on today. It is a deal I received for registering with the petty Driving Experience at Daytona, where I get four days, three nights, two tickets for three laps at the Experience, and a tour of the track for under $300. I just have to pay airfare, taxes, and food. Oh yeah…and sit through a timeshare spiel from Wyndham Resorts. For four days in Vegas and a chance to take part in the Experience, I am willing to sit and listen to someone try and sell me a timeshare for two hours. The last time I was in Vegas was for Michael Waltrip’s Operation Marathon in 2005. I visited the Vegas track, however I only drove around it and did not go in. I don’t know when I will take this trip, but when I do, you can be sure I’ll be filling everyone in on the adventure right here!

Safe racing to everyone today, and have a great week

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